Bishop Blanchet will optimize the employee experience by dedicating resources that support personal, 专业, 精神上的成长 and create a working environment characterized by excellence, 健康, 和归属感.
为了“教育学生中具有挑战性”, 积极多样的学习环境,” we must foster a work environment for employees that creates a balance of excellence, 健康与归属感. Our mission in action lives most explicitly through the engagement of our employees with the students entrusted to our care. 优秀的, healthy and whole employees require intentional investment in their personal, 专业, 精神上的成长. 通过这个目标, we will clearly establish Bishop Blanchet as the top 专业 environment for faith-filled educators and, 反过来, inspire deep commitment from all employees toward advancing our institution, 塑造我们的学生, 培养所有人真正的归属感.